Thursday, March 22, 2007

A couple weeks ago I had one of those perfect, spontaneous, lovely, serendipitous nights. In my dirty jeans I jumped on a train and met up with a boy, and we went for a pitcher of Yuengling, some stale popcorn and laughs - totally unexpected. I always like moments like that because 50% of you is enjoying yourself for obvious reasons (cute boy, great beer, popcorn), and the other 50% of you is enjoying yourself because you didn't actually think at ALL that you'd be with a cute boy, drinking Yuengling and eating popcorn and laughing that night. All a surprise, all quite fun.

Anyway, after that the boy hailed me a cab, kissed me on the lips (a few times...) and off I went home, curled up in the back seat.

My cab driver was amazing. The second I slumped back into my seat he said, "Did I come at the wrong time?"
"Excuse me?" I responded.
"Did I come at the wrong time? You were kissing that boy. Sometimes I don't know if I should keep driving!"
Only in New York will you climb into a cab and start talking about your sex life with a total stranger.

When that was all over he started asking me what I did for a living, why I was out late, what I was working on.
"You know, one time I had that woman. Sarah? Very small, on that sex show? She was in my cab."
"Sarah Jessica Parker?"
"Yes, her. She is very nice. And that other? Elizabeth? The one with the stripping?"
I laughed. "Elizabeth Berkely."

Uptown we chatted about various celebrities he had run-ins with. Central Park whizzed by to my right. I love, love New York for nights just like that.

And what I love even more is the total unpredictability of this city. I never thought that night would happen, and I certainly never thought it would have anything to do with anything else in my life... until now.

Sitting in my boss' office just now looking over the attendee list for tonight's big flashy Broadway opening I grinned a little bit when I saw that both Elizabeth Berkely and Sarah Jessica Parker will be in attendance. Meant to be? Maybe a little. If not, it's always nice to know that even amidst the chaos of this city, maybe some things happen for a reason.


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