Sunday, January 07, 2007

Boo Big Blue

So I'm laying on my couch with my blanket covering every inch of my body except for my eyes, watching the Giants/Eagles game when my phone rings.

"Whatcha doin?" my friend Mike asks.
"Layin' on my couch under my blanket. You still wanna go out?"
"Nah, we'll rally next game," he says. "Who are you rooting for...?"
"Um... The Eagles, actually, for the first time in my life."
"I feel really weird about it but I'm totally sick of Giants fans after being in NY this year."
"Totally. There's nothing worse than a cocky Giants fan."

I hang up the phone and it rings again.

"I'm so sorry I didn't text you back last night, I was totally wasted!" my friend Josh says.
"It's cool"
"Where are you?"
"Layin on my couch, under a blanket, watching the game"
"ME TOO! You know this McDonalds commecial? I see this and it ALWAYS makes me want one, don'tcha think?"
"Um..." I hesitate. "No? I'm a vegatarian, loser, remember?" Josh forgets this fact at least once every other week.
"DAMMIT! I always forget. You always seem so cool then you say things like that and you totally fucking suck!"
"So... who are you rooting for? Don't you hate both these teams?"
"Yeah... the Eagles actually, for the first time in my life."
"Totally. Me too."
"I'm so over the Giants."

Transplant New Yorkers have deeply-rooted NY Sports Team Affiliation problems. I think we all just want this season to be over so for the next two months everyone will shut up because any self-respecting New Yorker wont go on and on and on (AND ON AND ON) about the Knicks... then April will roll around, and there we'll go again...


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