Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Sunday Ticket

Just when you think you live in the greatest city in the world, one of the 8 million residents will undoubtedly prove you wrong.

My friend who has NFL Sunday ticket is now employed, so I have not been able to CROSS WATER (gasp, I know!) to get to his apt (in Queens, gasp!) on Sundays to watch the games. It's great because we order greasy food, drink beer and even though he's a Cowboys fan (gasp, I know!) he still lets me watch the Redskins game on the big TV. (we rearrange his few TVs so we can watch 2-3 games at a time).

Anyway, he is employed so on Sunday mornings I tend to grab my cup of coffee and figure out which of 8 million bars in town I can watch the game, and rally a group of people to come with. This morning I called a new fave bar (where they have all you can drink domestics, and all you can eat wings and rib tips on Monday nights... yes, the bar is so good even I, the fancy beer drinking vegetarian enjoys it) to see if they would be playing my game...

"Look," I said to the chipper girl who answered the phone, "I know you're going to be showing the Giants/Carolina game today, but is there any possibility you'll be showing the Skins/Eagles game at 1...?"
"Um! I dunno! But if you call back in 20 minutes my manager will know!"
I, on a desperate search to find my boys (I hate living outside DC during football season...) pressed, "Well, do you have NFL Sunday ticket, and do you often show a variety of games on Sunday afternoons...!?"
"Um! Well! I dont know what NFL Sunday ticket is but if you call back in 20 minutes my manager will have today's schedule!"


How can you work in a sports bar and not know what NFL Sunday ticket is? I thought the world's smartest people lived in New York. But then again... most of them are Yankees fans.


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