Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gays Gays Gays

Every male in my office is gay. This isn't too odd considering I do work in theatre. It's frustrating because you hardly meet anyone at work, but it's also great because who really wants to date anyone you work with in the first place, and when everyone is gay you generally get to participate in various verbal and physical activities in the workplace that would warrant sexual harassment lawsuits in most other places.

I will not list those activities here.

This morning, disgruntled by the gay state of affairs, with one cup of coffee too little in my veins, I began to set up our conference room for a meeting about 5 major producers would attend.

My co-worker (gay) followed me into the room with a handful of cups and placed them on the table quietly.

(sidenote: several weeks ago this co-worker and I planend a suicide pact wherein which we would enter said room and shoot eachother in the face and collapse dead over said table. Because we work in PR, something else came up and we had a reschedule. We have yet to confrim the date/time in our outlook calendars)

As he placed the cups on the bloodless conference table, I pulled out a bottle of cleaner and mindlessly started wiping away fingerprints when my coworker says to me quite softly, "I love that our office is so gay even our cleaner is called Fabulous. Next thing you know our dish soap will be called 'Girl can SANG!'" and walked out the room.

I burst into laughter. With permissable work-hour flirtation and fondling, and a biting sense of humor maybe working with the gays is pretty fabulous afterall.


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