Sunday, October 08, 2006

Well hello there...

Hey, remember me? I used to write, like, a lot. But see, it's been so long since I've written, that I forgot I even had a blog. Isn't that ridiculous? RIDICULOUS I SAY!

But man oh man, it's October and we all know what that means...

baseball baseball baseball
football football football
and Alli's month to get all introspective.
I LOVE this time of year.

Well, thank God I stumbled across this blog, eh?!

I had dinner tonight at a sushi restuarant with a girl who I didn't even know existed 4 months ago. So much has happened. More than usual, and that's saying a lot. And I was sitting across from this girl at a table where I was sitting across from this boy just last week, a boy who I hadn't sat across from in a year at a dinner table kind of like this one but down in DC. And this girl, she said to me, I think you should come to Germany with me next summer.
And I said, ok.
And she said, seriously.
And I said, ok, seriously. But I have to go to Prague.
And she said, as long as we're in the neighborhood -
-Italy, I said. Seriously.

Like it all had happened before, you know. OK, travel, sure. Seriously, I'm serious.

And it's really weird to stop like I did today and have my fingertips be cold and my toe tips be cold too and sit on a couch and watch the Redskins lose in that kind of twinkly light that only October seems to have, and remember This Time Last Year and how oh so different EVERYTHING was, but how sometimes some things never change, and sometimes you never ever want those things to change.

Last week this girl who sat across from me tonight sat next to me at Yankee Stadium and next to me on the other side was the boy who sat across from me last week, and we were talking like nothing at all had changed and he asked me something and I said, I dont know I haven't been following baseball this season, really.
And he said, that's not like you,
He said it concerned like as if I had stopped eating or drinking coffee. And it hurt, like, like I had stopped drinking coffee when some little (big) things changed and all you ever wanted was for it to stay the same.


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