Saturday, July 28, 2007

Baby Steps to Soul Revival

It is possible that during the month of August I could feasibly have a large part of my soul back. During this last week unemployment (save for a whole two days of teching and opening a show) has allowed me to do a few other additional things that are good for soul revival (in addition to the trip to Chi-town and reading a whole book like I USED TO DO ALL THE TIME):

1. 5 minute naps here and there
2. gym!
3. reading 1/2 of the New Yorker
4. 10 hours of sleep in one night
5. staying in bed BECAUSE I COULD

I look forward to the following:
1. playing with dogs
2. the beach
3. reading several more books cover to cover
4. more gym
5. seeing old friends
6. perhaps writing something that is not in list form
7. going to an art museum or 5
8. perhaps walking the island of Manhattan or doing some sort of other photography-enhanced New York adventure.
9. dinners with loved ones
10. Movies. In theatres.

They say it takes exactly 1/2 the amount of time you were in a relationship to get over it, post-breakup. According to this philosophy I should be job scar free by mid-January. Sadly it is mid-January when my re-hashed Redskins scars start to harden and I stare down the barrel of another NFC East tragedy, shaking my head in bewilderment as to why I let myself do this every year for over one QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Let's hope August can clear things up faster. I don't think I can take that much pain at once.

I No Longer Work in a Broadway Press Office

Which means I get to do things that people who have souls do: like visit other cities. And today, wait for it...I finished a book I started less than 48 hours ago!

Oooo baby it hurts so good.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Things that Totally Rule

1. This week's episode of Big Love
2. Dulce de Leche ice cream (light!)
3. country air
4. napping in the middle of the afternoon, on grass
5. Days off
6. sleep
7. running into strangers in odd places and striking up a conversation
8. having aforementioned strangers turn into money-making ventures
9. upcoming weeks with Golden Retrievers
10. planning the month of August